Genesis 9-11, Mark 4

Reading the Bible can take various forms. When reading, we have two primary goals. The first is to expand our general knowledge of God's revelation to understand God's plan of salvation as a whole and to see each Scripture more clearly in its light. The second goal is regularly feeding our souls, finding truths in the biblical text that will nourish our souls and provide food for our minds throughout the day. It is these pearls that I highlight when reading every day.
Genesis 9-11. Mark 4
Genesis 9 is full of crucial truths. Firstly, God establishes a covenant with Noah, promising that a flood will no longer destroy the earth (Genesis 9:9-17). Secondly, God introduces human responsibility for taking a human life (Genesis 9:6). Many see here God's command for the establishment of earthly government, limiting the spread of evil. And thirdly, at the end of the chapter, the story of Noah's sin is recounted.
The sin of Noah and his sons showed that the Flood, by destroying humanity, halted the spread of sin, which had reached a critical point by that time but was unable to destroy sin. Sin survived with Noah and his family. This is another fact pointing to the need for a completely different method to get rid of sin, made possible only through the involvement of the Messiah. Thus, the Scripture constantly points to Him, even without directly mentioning Christ.
I will address Genesis 11 in the sermon on January 14th (God willing).
You can listen to sermons on Genesis 9-11 here.
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