Exodus 25-27; Psalm 90; Philippians 1

The detailed description of the construction of the Tabernacle allows us to draw at least two lessons. Firstly, the center of everything was God ("before my face" 25:30) and His Word (25:16). Secondly, by presenting the minutest details of the Tabernacle's construction, God again demonstrates His precision. This can also be seen in the design of nature. God is a great designer. Everything is thought out down to the smallest detail. He makes everything functional and beautiful, not only in the physical world but also in the spiritual realm. Through the fall, humanity lost this precision and beauty. But God allows us to return to harmony with Him in Jesus Christ, thus returning to His harmony and beauty. Psalm 89, a well-known psalm written by Moses, speaks of the transience of human life. Its central theme is expressed in the words, "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" Psalm 89:12. Philippians 1: Paul amazes with his humble confidence and even joy that fills his heart. Despite being in the most challenging circumstances, he does not lose heart but also encourages others. The secret of this confidence is that he has learned to live by Christ and His values. Notice how often Paul mentions Christ here and how he speaks about Him.