Today, many believe that the family is a human invention. But the actual author of the family is God, and He determines its foundations and purpose. The family is a temporary earthly union between a man and a woman pointing to an eternal reality: the relationship between Christ and the Church.

God created the family not only for the joy of companionship between husband and wife, not solely to perpetuate the human race, but also to visibly proclaim the Gospel to the surrounding world. For this reason, from the beginning of creation, Satan has attacked the institution of the family, attempting to distort and destroy its meaning and purpose. This attack occurs both in society at-large and within the church itself.

This week, please pray for:
  • husbands: that they, submitting to Scripture, would be tender, sensitive, and loving leaders, guiding their wives and children toward Christ;
  • wives: that they would love their husbands and children, be humble, kind, dedicated to the home, honor Christ with their lives, and learn to trust in the Lord amid the practical circumstances of life;
  • God’s protection from temptations and emotional and physical unfaithfulness;
  • the ability to serve one another: that both husbands and wives understand that this is the greatest blessing in the family, learning to forgive each other and accept one another with all their shortcomings and weaknesses;
  • the preservation of each family: that families may, by God’s power, withstand all of Satan’s attacks.